Miami's International Business Platform | World Trade Center Miami


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WTCM Media Feature on

Posted by Admin on Jul 7, 2020 10:34:53 AM

The United States Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) started on July 1, 2020 and World Trade Center Miami is excited to be featured on for our recent activation of the Florida/Mexico Working Group.  The Florida/Mexico Working Group was developed as a result of a Letter of Intent (LOI) signed by FPC and the Coordinadora de Puertos in November. LOI participants pledged to create a working group of twelve maritime commerce members from Mexico and Florida to grow maritime trade between the two entities.

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Tags: Industry News, Media Feature

How International Trade Has Changed - Webinar GLT Logistics Industry Against COVID-19 Summit

Posted by Admin on Jul 2, 2020 12:44:32 PM

World Trade Center Miami's President & CEO Ivan Barrios, along with Senior Vice President & COO Alice Ancona discuss the future of International Business after COVID-19 at the GLT Logistics Summit. Get more information about Miami's International Business community at

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Tags: Video

World Trade Center Ramps Up Efforts to Promote International Commerce and Economic Development

Posted by Admin on Jul 2, 2020 11:41:40 AM

WTCM Joins the Florida/Mexico Working Group, which Hosted its First Meeting this Week Ahead of the U.S.-Mexico- Canada Free Trade Agreement Going into Effect

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Happy Canada Day from World Trade Center Miami

Posted by Admin on Jul 1, 2020 8:05:35 AM

The World Trade Center Miami extends all of our Canadian friends and family a Happy Canada Day! 

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Tags: Trade Holidays

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