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Miami Today

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Two-nation team powers ahead to build Florida-Mexico sea trade

Jul 15, 2020 3:28:28 PM / by Miami Today posted in Industry News, Media Feature, July Newsletter


With the US-Mexico-Canada agreement taking effect this month, the newly formed Florida/Mexico Working Group is looking at ways to expand maritime trade between the two economies. The group, which formed as a result of a letter of intent signed in November by the Florida Ports Council and Mexican Coordinadora de Puertos, consists of six members from Florida and six from Mexico.

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Floral industry upended, Miami's global trade bedridden

Apr 21, 2020 4:44:31 PM / by Miami Today posted in Trade Spotlight, April 2020


“Manufacturers and shippers are going to increasingly focus on products that are in need, saying “some manufacturers are either going to voluntarily shift, or the government is going to ask them to shift.”

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