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DHL Survey addresses COVID-19 impact on international trade

May 21, 2020 1:09:10 PM / by Logistics Management

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In addition to the current economic issues caused by COVID-19, there are other significant events in 2020, such as the U.S. presidential election and the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) implementation, which could directly affect international trade.

To collect deeper insights into how businesses are being impacted by COVID-19 and capture their perspectives on international trade developments, DHL conducted a survey of U.S. SMEs, including its customers.

Key findings from the more than 2,000 responses include:

  • COVID-19 causes pullback on international business outlook: Almost half (49%) of respondents said the coronavirus has resulted in them taking a more conservative approach to their business’ global trade strategy. Only 15% are taking a more aggressive approach, while 36% are staying the path on their international approach as a result of coronavirus. It is no surprise that the majority are being conservative since according to our survey, an overwhelming78% of respondents have had business revenues decrease either slightly or significantly due to COVID-19.
  • International policies will the tip scales at the voting booths: An overwhelming majority (78%) of respondents said the U.S. presidential candidate’s view on international trade will affect the way they vote this election year.

Read the full story here.

Tags: Industry News, May 2020 Newsletter