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Global trade to fall by record 27% due to Covid-19, says UN

May 21, 2020 2:24:22 PM / by The Guardian

Global trade is forecast to fall by a record 27% in the second quarter of the year after a slump in the export of cars, machine parts and oil.

The coronavirus pandemic has hit the supply and demand for products across the world leading to a severe decline in world trade, said Unctad, the United Nations organisation that tracks trade flows.

Almost every category of goods is expected to suffer a fall in trade over the coming months, adding to a 3% decline in the first quarter of the year.

Unctad said the data revealed the huge shock to the global economy from the Covid-19 pandemic.

China was the first country to report a decline in trade ahead of a lockdown put in place by the authorities in Beijing in February. The rest of the developed world followed in March when similar lockdowns were announced.

Read the full story here.

Tags: Industry News, May 2020 Newsletter

The Guardian

Written by The Guardian