As the world gets ready for some type of reopening and what will be the new “normal”, travel and tourism is on top of everyone’s mind.
In today’s world, travel is so ingrained in our culture, that it will be difficult to imagine the world without the ability to travel for pleasure, for business, to fulfill a dream, to see family and friends, to go on a cruise, to explore a new culture etc. etc. etc.
There is NO doubt that travel will open up, the question is when and how. Studies are showing that travelers are eager to go somewhere.
When? Some states are starting to lift restrictions, as this happens, quarantines will be discontinued and traveling will begin. We are receiving calls from some customers who are just asking “Where can you book me to?” Countries that have instituted 14 day quarantines upon arrival, will not have that policy forever, and international travel will then begin.
How? – Definitely travel as we knew it, will be no more…. It will change forever. Just like we got used to going through TSA, not carrying liquids over three ounces, and more, we will get used to wearing masks, probably do some type of testing, experience sanitary protocols at hotels, social distancing in restaurants, museums and attractions
Will that deter the general public from traveling? Absolutely NOT – we are ready and eager to start supporting a great industry, creating jobs and experiencing one of the greatest pleasures of life.