Americas Food and Beverage Show

Fru-Veg's Solution for the Food Service Industry

Jun 8, 2020 1:21:49 PM / by Conchita Espinosa posted in afb june 2020 newsletter, afb spotlight

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The Food Service industry has suffered immensely due to closure of restaurants / bars, plus the suspension of the cruise industry, cultural, and sporting events, etc.  This has been particularly difficult for us because it consists of roughly 20% of our  movement and Food Service generally takes small-sized fruit which supermarkets do not purchase in great volume. Fru-Veg was able to find a solution! A number of consumers preferred to start buying produce packaged in a clamshell or bag vs individual loose pieces on a shelf. We immediately purchased material locally to start packing our smaller sized fruits in bags. We experienced a great demand for the bags at our supermarkets throughout the east coast of the US.

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Impacto del Covid-19 en el Comercio Electrónico

Jun 1, 2020 9:43:49 AM / by Jonathan Martinez posted in afb june 2020 newsletter, afb spotlight


El coronavirus llegó cuando el mundo se estaba adoptando cada vez más a la economía en línea, y el día que tuvimos que quedarnos en casa marcó un punto de inflexión en las conductas de consumo. Al principio hubo cautela, pero enseguida empezaron a repuntar las compras electrónicas, sobre todo en los rubros de alimentos, farmacia, productos de limpieza, entretenimiento y conectividad. 

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